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[Rules and Directions]Read before posting Blog Articles !!!

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Hello blog writers, I just scripted out some rules, guidance, directives to follow while posting Blog articles: 1. Blog Articles should not be copy pasted from any other site/blog/forum. Though you can refer it, collect information from various sites and prepare the article as unique. 2. Each article should have atleast one image or video describing the article. It should not be a copyright material of any other blog/site (Images with watermark of copyrights). If you get images from other websites/sources, just dont post here directly linking to it. 3. Maintain neatness and well arrangement of article. Minimize usage of bold letters everywhere. Try not to fancy the article with colors, bigger font size or any such formatting. Always use "Insert More Tag" to break a long post and add the link "Read More" to continue reading. 4. Minimize the number of External links in article unless its necessary to specify for certain scenario.

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