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Soldier's Misfortune[Free][Game]
Realtime shooting multiplayer games,
you like Realtime multiplayer games?
Just open the game give yourself an in game name, select the Game character. then all you have to do is just wait for other players to start fighting.
It's that easy.
Link To Download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=games.apricot.Avrahampopov.SoldiersMisfortune
[IMG]https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/fTFt7dmBNbZvbp1cmUSZgpLVDgTOOYegX62lJzAdnJH8NMDYmbc0MIpC84UC5L2bCQ=w2504-h800[/IMG] [IMG]https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/letwpAvwkQWJIoQO_9VKSxNJzUUsAzbwVR1oSwmZrtm8W1XtA0k7TR-Kj-V3GGy0Mx8=w2504-h800[/IMG]


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