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[FREE][APP] ThotOfU: Gift, Share Fun Pictures with Friends via FaceBook by Parik

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From Here On Communications &Pariksha Labs announce “ThotofU” – a social app for Gifting and Sharing Fun Pictures and Thoughts with Friends via Facebook

ThotOfU,a stylized form of “Thought Of U” provides a simple way to share, send, gift fun pictures and thoughts to your friends via FaceBook. It allows users to quickly see friends who have birthdays this day/week/month and lets a user send a greeting, wish or “thot” to them. Its uniqueness lies in a large catalog of fun images that are funny, whacky, unique, and relevant and can be used across a wide range of age profiles. Users can add their own “thots” to the images and post the same to their FaceBook friends.

ThotOfU is available on iOS devices thru the Apple AppStoreTM and will soon be available on Android smartphones via PlayStoreTM. The companies claim to have received a “terrific” initial response and are looking forward to the future of it and where it leads them!

Apple appStoreTM:https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=673907252&mt=8

PlayStoreTM: Coming Soon

Posted Image

[img width=236 height=420] mzl.ylkxhtgn.320x480-75.jpg

[img width=236 height=420] mzl.iufbkqee.320x480-75.jpg

[img width=236 height=420] mzl.nxzeddpx.320x480-75.jpg

[img width=236 height=420] mzl.bidupkkm.320x480-75.jpg

Do try and send us your feedback at [email protected].

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