Posted November 20, 201212 yr comment_59564 [glow=red,2,300] Brings Out A New CFW[/glow] The Pure Awesome Metro!! [glow=red,2,300]The Present Team members- Charan12999 (Creator of Enigma^Metro and Modder) Ashthehacker(Modder,suggestor and a hidden Designer) Johnson22(Suggester and awesome Designer) [/glow] [glow=red,2,300][glow=red,2,300]Thanks To - HellRocker Navratan123 KBM for a rofs2 Xrock in dailymobile For rofs2 and all others who helped us[/glow][/glow] [glow=red,2,300]Sneaks and peaks-[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]SPLASHSCREEN -[/glow] [img width=235 height=420] [glow=red,2,300] SysAp-[/glow] [img width=235 height=420] [glow=red,2,300][ftp=ftp:// [glow=red,2,300] BOOT SCREEN - [/glow] [img width=235 height=420] [glow=red,2,300] More Screens-[/glow] [glow=red,2,300]Apps Added-[/glow] RAM after Heavy usage- [glow=red,2,300]Presently we are facing some exams and upload problems will be released by january 2013 so please be patient[/glow] //External links removed -NikShiP
November 20, 201212 yr comment_59569 external links for screenshots removed either upload them on forum or upload them on image hosting sites.. Thank you
November 20, 201212 yr comment_59571 //topic moved to Custom Firmware Discussions until it's release navratn123
February 24, 201311 yr comment_62292 Charan, you can release the beta version so that people could help you rectify the bugs.
February 25, 201311 yr Author comment_62316 Charan, you can release the beta version so that people could help you rectify the bugs. Exams!9th board
March 1, 201311 yr comment_62432 Faz um vídeo para mostrar como está, tem muita gente usando ainda as outras CFW's por ainda não ter saído esta, eu sou um deles \m/ Make a video to show how it is, there are many people still using the other CFW's for this has not yet gone out, I'm one of them //post in English // translation added this time // next time post in english navratn123
March 3, 201311 yr comment_62469 Arruma um tradutor que te dê uma tradução fidedigna, condizendo com a tua inteligência. //last warning // post in English . navratn123 // Moderator Gizmolord
March 4, 201311 yr comment_62473 Arruma um tradutor que te dê uma tradução fidedigna, condizendo com a tua inteligência. google translate never gives accurate translation...... i did the translation only for understanding........... it becomes off topic ............. last warning before ban....
April 23, 201311 yr comment_63278 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????w
April 25, 201311 yr Author comment_63295 I will release it under bad circumstances at present..
June 14, 201311 yr comment_64039 I will release it under bad circumstances at when will you release it plz do it asap...waiting eagerly for this one...
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