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Hi friends......

In world...... The maximum no. of people uses windows........bcz of it's simplicity and distribution of apps.............

The Famous Distribution in apps is Virus and spyware......... :P

every 60% or more who uses the windows  had the problem of Virus........

First i am introducing the what is Virus & Spyware.......??? :-/

Virus is a computer program which is already corrupted and also corrupt ur system files............ and misbehave ur system...... B-)

Now what is Spyware..........??? :-/

Spyware is a program which is used to steal ur info Silently to others........... B-)

For fighting them there is also a program called Anti-Virus and Anti- Spyware............

But my method for removing those is something different............

                                                                              Remove Windows Virus using Ubuntu

Linux is a another Operating system......Which is more secure than linux.......... and very rare for infect linux......... and ubuntu is one of them....:D

Ok...... Lets start------------

What we Need.............

1. A Ubuntu Live CD.......

2. A infected Windows Computer..... ......

3. A working And good speed Internet Connection........

Follow This method..........

1. Now restart your Infected Windows computer------------------

2. Put ur Live CD/DVD in optical drive and boot that Media.......

3. After booted choose Try ubuntu

Posted Image

4. After Loading desktop open Browser and search for avast linux edition Or click http://www.avast.com/linux-home-edition...........

[img width=326 height=420] big_1279286046_34612.jpg

5. Download Avast and also request for avast key........ It is free.........http://www.avast.com/registration-free-antivirus.php

After downloading or registering ur avast update it and scan ur hard drive..........

from root/media folder where all of ur hard drive linked.........

Also u can use clamtk.......

Posted Image

just type in terminal .........

sudo apt-get install clamtk

and update it via......

sudo apt-get freshclam

And then scan.............


Why we need virus scan from Linux ?

Sometimes virus also corrupted anti-virus and interfere in installing of new anti-virus.....That's why....  ;-)

Is Linux Antivirus is install permanently ?

No, when u remove ur live cd the linux antivirus will also gone........

Is this safe ?

i recommend u to check ur file before taking any action.......

Is this working ?

Yup :D

                                                                                      A video Tutorial will be posted on 21 sept or later



                                                                                                                        Enjoy  >:)

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