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The mod will let you capture HD quality videos on your iPhone 3GS....


1. Your phone must be jailbroken

2. Windows Users will need WinSCP. Download from-- http://winscp.net/eng/download.php

    Mac users will need Cyberduck. Download from-- http://cyberduck.ch/


Step1: You will at first need to configure Cyberduck/WinSCP whichever you will be using


Server: Enter the IP address of your iPhone 3GS. You can navigate to Settings –> WiFi –> <Your Network Name> on your iPhone to view this

Username: root

Password: Your SSH password. The default password is “alpineâ€

Protocol: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)


Hostname: The IP address of your iPhone 3GS. Go to Settings> WiFi > <Your Network Name> to view this on your iPhone

User name: root

Password: alpine (or the SSH password that you have set)

Protocol: SCP

Step 2: If you do not have OpenSSH jailbreak app already installed, launch the Cydia app and install it on your jailbroken iPhone.

Step 3: Connect your iPhone 3GS to the computer and ensure that iTunes is not running.

Step 4: Copy the following three files:AVCapture.plist, CameraRollValidator.plist and MediaValidator.plist to the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Celestial.framework/N88/ directory on your iPhone 3GS using Cyberduck or WinSCP.

Step 5: Just reboot your phone and enjoy HD quality recording on your iPhone 3GS.

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