Posted April 24, 201212 yr comment_31411 Previous internet speed records has been broken by Caltech in the U.S. The new speed now is mind boggling 186Gbps – that’s roughly 23 gigabytes per second. A 1TB drive would take a little more than 40 seconds to fill up. That kind of bandwidth isn’t meant for everyday use at home , but for universities. Caltech (California Instituteof Technology) along with the University of Victoria, the University of Michigan, Florida University and CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research) beat this record. The team had previously set a record at 119Gbps, backin 2009
April 24, 201212 yr comment_31428 real epic.... What will they transfer with that speed???Hahaa.... The whole HDD data
April 25, 201212 yr comment_31507 wish i could get that much speed..... :troll: :troll: :troll:Sorry, India is an exception
April 25, 201212 yr comment_31870 Sorry, India is an exception maybe my grabdson's son will get to use it...!!! :rofl:
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