Posted April 1, 201212 yr comment_25878 (RM-697) C5-03 v22.0.007 CFW Symbian^Nimble-PRO_CANDY XtrEmE (Coolest & fastest CFW for Symbian ) Hey guys. Want some change logs of your C5-03 phone? Taste my CFW Symbian^Nimble-PRO_CANDY XtrEmE RM-697 V22.0.007 ;D;topic=61328.0;attach=194580 1.Download RM-697 OFW HERE 2.Download ^XtrEmE FLASH FILE 3.Put the folder (RM-697) in the product of your phoenix. FLASHING TUTS This CFW is Build on 059G9Z6: RM-697 CTR INDIA BLACK BURNED ORANGE 1) place the "RM-697 folder"(found in my 1st page) in Program Files -> Nokia -> phoenix -> Products 2) turn ON CP, connect it to PC(wait till the PC recognize your CP model) 3) disconnect your phone from computer and turn it off 4) prepare phone to flash with phoenix open phoenix -> press 'File' -> choose 'open product' from file menu -> choose RM-697 -> in connection select 'NO CONNECTION' -> open 'Flashing' Menu and choose Firmware Update -> choose product code from the 3dots [ ... ]/browse button -> select 059G9Z6: C5-03 RM-697 CTR INDIA BLACK BURNED ORANGE -> press 'ok' -> check 'Dead USB' -> go to 'options' button -> then Delete following files - a. C5-03_SW_MC013_45_2G_6.0.fpsx b. RM-697_22.0.007_C01_prd.rofs3.fpsx --> then click the .C00 file, click edit, choose the .C00 file in 'XtrEmeFF' folder --> then click the .rofs2.V21 file, click edit, choose the .rofs2.V21 file in 'Xtreme folder --> then click the .uda file, click edit, choose the RM697_719_014_U002.uda.fpsx in the 'Xtreme' folder --> press 'ok' --> press REFURBISH' button and follow instructions given at the time of flashing. --> click 'ok' 5) now connect your OFF CELLPHONE to computer 6) Wait until a pop-up message appears saying that flashing is complete. Done. GOODLUCK AND HAPPY FLASHING!!! (XtrEmE CHANGELOGS) keyboard unlock time set to 20sec by me music player volume is set to max by me voice recognition sensitivity max 10 by me character encoding support all character by me real player set to max volume as default by me bt name as default is S^Nimble-PRO_CANDY^XtremE by me browser name mod to ^ExtremE by me alfappserver.exe maximum CPU time 82, default frame rate 24 by bro 1011054v (thanks a lot bro) handset and handsfree mode speaker volume is set to max as default by me recieved files are directed ti e:/ light intensity is set to 50 (speed boost not affect the battery) by me light sensitivity is set to 30 (speed boost not affect the battery) by me backlight off time is set 20sec by me program launch time is set to .75sec by me untrusted software vendore pop disable for faster installation by me rofs2/copy-c/resource/patches deleted breathing light ON by default by me wifi sensitivity max by me heap size max by me startup sound max by me remove lag in messaging lag by DjRaz NEW anna s60toolbars icon by original creator thanks new theme effect manifest enhance by me sent msg is now 9999 new integrated themes idecompress is integrated new burning orange busy circles new splashscreen by bro meftuni new startup images and sound NEW icon pack Gado^Gado (N9 & Glossy & Anna Iconpack)original c6 ported BUT i manage to make some TOUCH to work on OFW base CFW startup images and mp3's are fully cutomizable in E:/nevar27/boot [img width=509 height=420] NEW and HIGHEST EVER RECORDED RATIO of rofs2 partition 108.72mb with startup memory is 102.xx mb 25.69mb FREE PARTITION SPACE FOR PERSONALIZATION PURPOSE startup ram is 67-63mb NokiaPure navibar moded font by me is use as default new and great theme effects the oNLY S60v5 which have the SLIDE-TO-UNLOCK MODE mod 1. menu+slide= unlock 2. lockkey+slide= unlock 3. redkey+lockkey+slide= unlock HOW TO GET A GRID MENU MOD (thanks to yhanamicesoe and original creator of program) Read carefully,you will get grid menu anything you want (TURN OFF THE SENSOR in menu/settings/phone/sensor setting) 1. Download SORCERER v1.75 2. Install&Run it 3. Hide it 4. Press the green key in menu 5. Select Options-Exact search 6. The value is 4 and the type is BYTE (ex. i got 290188) 7. Hide Sorcerer 8. Change your font size to big 9. Select Options-Exact search 10. The value is 3 and the type is BYTE ex. i got 0061AD64: 3 006396AC: 3 11. Hide Sorcerer 12. Change your font size back TO SMALL 13. Select Options-Exact search 14. The value is 4 and the type is BYTE 15. You'll have only one value. (Ex. i got 0061AD64: 4) 16. Select Options-Data control-Input address 17. Input your value address + 4 (i input 0061AD68) 18. the type is BYTE 19. i got now 0061AD64: 4 0061AD68: 3 * meaning my grid in the min time is 4x3 20. click on 0061AD68: 3 22. option/data control/ modify value 23. enter value is 4 24. now i got 0061AD64: 4 0061AD68: 4 25. goto menu 26. open any folder in menu and see the difference ***NOTE *** after you got the 0061AD64:4 0061AD68:4 lock every value by going to datacontrol/lock it will be gonna be like this #0061AD64:4 #0061AD64:4 then goto datacontrol/savelist name it and save it in E:/ after booting up run sorcerer goto phone menu hold green key option goto datacontrol/loadlist locate what you have save in E:/ now you got 0061AD64:4 0061AD68:3 modify it to 0061AD64:4 0061AD68:4 ENJOY! GUYZ WHO WANT TAP TO UNLOCK VERSION 1. download ME 2. extract what you have downloaded 3. extract rofs2 via nokiacooker 4. drag and drop the folders inside the "c5 tap to unlock" folder 5. repack and reflash **NOTE: with tap to unlock version you will not have the UNLOCK MODE MOD GUYZ WHO WANT NON NAVIBAR VERSION 1. DOWNLOAD ME 2. extract what you have downloaded 3. extract rofs2 via nokiacooker 4. drag and drop the folders inside the "C5-03 navibar removal pack" folder 5. repack and reflash **NOTE: with non navibar VERSION you should use NON NAVIBAR MODDED FONT non-navi nokia pure belle font for c5-03 BEFORE FLASHING DO CLEAN YOUR MEMORY CARD 1. DOWNLOAD nevar27 and extract it in memory card (e:/nevar27/boot) 2. download HS and extract it in E:/ HOW TO CHANGE UID'S in default HS 1. download APP UID VIEWER 2. run it, then press option 3. search uid 4. write down you uids 5. goto your pc 6. open the bluespectrumhs folder 7. right click the "shortcut.xml" and select edit 8. input the uid of your fav apps and save. 9. drop the edited shortcut.xml in e:/bluespectrumhs/ 10. reboot phone PREVIOUS CHANGELOGS CANDY^LITE MARCH 15,2012 S^Nimble-PRO_CANDY LITE change logs: -> start up phone mem is 101-102mb -> fully apex666 anna icons THANKS BRO -> better ram mangement -> cached is modded to e:/ for faster net response -> isms is now integrated in messaging "but not v2.xx because v2.xx is buggy" -> now the default phone browser in modified to support a "PC-LIKE WEB BROWSING" (by installing the desktop.sis) -> now available in in tap to unlock ans slide-to-unlock -> menu arrangement is new -> touch of nimble theme is preset -> ROFS2 IS NOW FULLY NAVI BAR PATCH -> added patch, and patch is auto map -> S^Nimble-PRO_CANDY LITE profile is preset -> S^Nimble-PRO_CANDY LITE welcome message -> smiley bug is fixed -> new SplashSreen -> default browser is set to -> camera captures is better now even the details is not change -> now email setting in messaging is working. -> vcommand is disabled for better ram -> photo browser is deleted -> ramblow is deleted for furom rules respect. -> file browser is deleted. -> Oratsu HS is deleted PREVIOUS VERSIONS PRO^CANDY S^Nimble_PRO S^nimble_belle S^Nimble OTHER RMs available and still adding RM-719 CANDY^LITE RM-719 CAnDY^XtrEmE C5-06 RM-816 CANDY^XtrEME C5-05 RM-815 beta CANDY^XtrEmE SETS OF GADGETS HOW TO USE? just rename it to gadget.swf put it in e:/ and restart your phone. CREDITS TO THE ORIGINAL MODDER OF THIS GADGETS WITH WIDGETS widgets here WITHOUT WIDGETS widgets here NOTE: BEFORE FLASHING YOU SHOLD COPY AND PASTE TO E:/ THE GADGET.SWF THAT IS PRESENT IN TASTE OF CANDY FOLDER TO AVOID WHITE SCREEN BOOTUP 3FINGER RESET TUT FOR C5-03 *TURN OFF CP 1. press and hold (+) volume key 2. press and hold lock key 3. press and hold green key 4. press and hold power key 5. release all if the nokia logo flash on your screen. done! TUT HOW TO MAKE C2Z PATCH A. download the c2z maker (attached) b. extract it in your PC c. inside the extracrted folder u will see (EFSrv.dll) file. change it with your EFSrv.dll file from your phone -> you can find it here (Z:\Sys\Bin\EFsrv.dll) d. now run or double click the c2z application. E. you will see now c2z patch in same folder. f. copy and paste it in your e:\patches folder IN JUST A BLINK OF YOUR EYE YOU WILL HAVE YOUR C2Z PATCH ^____^ HOW TO ACTIVATE MORE SYMBOLS IN MESSAGING 8) --> activate c2z patch --> copy z:\copy-c\resource to c:\resource (deactivate c2z patch if not in use to avoid bug) COMPILATION OF FLASH HS AND BEST THEMES. C0mpiled by bro ysonu4343 DONT FORGET TO FEEDBACK...! Hope you like it guys. ENJOY!
April 2, 201212 yr comment_26021 hey nevar27 a really good job,.. i tried worked perfectly fine with my c5-03... thanks ...
April 2, 201212 yr comment_26024 wonderfull,Homescreen,widgets,and the startup is just awesome,,.... Thank you
April 4, 201212 yr Author comment_26327 wonderfull,Homescreen,widgets,and the startup is just awesome,,.... Thank you hey nevar27 a really good job,.. i tried worked perfectly fine with my c5-03... thanks ... thanks mate enjoy your new phone features! \m/
May 2, 201212 yr comment_33356 Thanks for your efforts. What is the C drive capacity in this CFW ? Have you increased the original C drive capacity ?
May 2, 201212 yr Author comment_33368 Thanks for your efforts. What is the C drive capacity in this CFW ? Have you increased the original C drive capacity ? rofs2 partition 108.72mb with startup memory is 102.xx mb \m/
May 2, 201212 yr comment_33376 Thanks. What i have asked is about C drive capacity in original RM-697 and in your CFW.
May 2, 201212 yr Author comment_33388 Thanks. What i have asked is about C drive capacity in original RM-697 and in your CFW. capacity meaning SIZE? yup in startup phone memory or C:/ drive is 102.90mb
May 2, 201212 yr comment_33397 capacity meaning SIZE? yup in startup phone memory or C:/ drive is 102.90mbWhat will be the C:/ drive space with OFW for C5-03 ?
May 2, 201212 yr comment_33398 Is it possible to give the below information. 1.What is the original phone memory ? 2.Have you increased any phone memory ( Cdrive ) 3. If you have increased the phone memory size have adjusted the UDA also. 4What is the original size of the fat16.img in the OFW uda . 4.Have you adjusted the original capacity of the fat.16 image of UDA to the increased size of the phone memory in the cfw
May 2, 201212 yr Author comment_33501 Is it possible to give the below information. 1.What is the original phone memory ? 2.Have you increased any phone memory ( Cdrive ) 3. If you have increased the phone memory size have adjusted the UDA also. 4What is the original size of the fat16.img in the OFW uda . 4.Have you adjusted the original capacity of the fat.16 image of UDA to the increased size of the phone memory in the cfw ANSWERS: 1. truely i dont know the size of actual c drive of OFW (im always using my CFW) 2. yes i increase the c drive to 102.90mb 3. i use blank OFW UDA only 4. i dont know the fat image size of OFW UDA (im always using my CFW) 5. i only make some adjustment in ROS1,ROFS2,ROFS3 hehehe so i got such BREAKING RECORD
May 6, 201212 yr comment_34366 Pls will this cfw work for v20.0.024 RM-697 Yes you can but you will automatically upgraded to v22 when you flash !!!!
May 6, 201212 yr Author comment_34418 Yes you can but you will automatically upgraded to v22 when you flash !!!! sir niku is right mate! i will surely work ! any queries just post it here! and do read carefully the first page!
May 7, 201212 yr comment_34428 Thanks . Can you post the screen shot of your C drive properties . Open Nokia file browser - highlight C drive -then options - then File -then properties. You will get the below details Media , Name , ID , files , used , free,and size. I need the above information for comparison because just completing a project of C5-03 C drive expansion up to 140 Mb .
May 7, 201212 yr comment_34518 Thanks Irajesh555. RM-697_22.0.007_prd.core.C00 , the UDA capacity is 0x04F40000 ( 79.25 Mb ). For all the 600Mhz CPU models C drive was expanded by reduceing the ROFS portion. For that we need to adjust Core capacity table, partition table , core , ROFS2 and uda earse areas. The Fat16.img in the UDA need to be changed to the increased capacity. I just seen the core and UDA files of this CFW the UDA erase areas . The UDA capacity is increased to 110 Mb ( 0x 06E00000 ) but the uda & FAT16.img details are not chnaged . If you change everything and if you do not change the UDA & Fat16.img in the UDA or else use the OFW UDA the Cdrive will show the old capacity only. Hence i want to know the C drive capacity.
May 7, 201212 yr comment_34550 this cfw is soo great, but i had same problem after flashing used this cfw. every i was finished flashing, i can't find any music in music player. i was flashing my phone used the tutorial and i had many music files in my memory card. any one can help me? :-SS (sorry for my bad english)
May 7, 201212 yr comment_34586 Pls help me,when I i click on the (…) button an error comes saying that (neither DP1.0 nor DP2.0 was found for the product or the product cannot be identified.)And I copied the RM-697 folder in the correct place
May 8, 201212 yr Author comment_34842 this cfw is soo great, but i had same problem after flashing used this cfw. every i was finished flashing, i can't find any music in music player. i was flashing my phone used the tutorial and i had many music files in my memory card. any one can help me? :-SS (sorry for my bad english) 1. make a new folder in E:/ name it as "music" 2. transfer all mp3 files to e:/music 3. now scan music!
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