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They are the name file for the effect

activeidle_viewswitch_bg_anim_to_image.fxml- boot time effects

activeidle_viewswitch_bg_image_to_image.fxml -homescreen effects by three tick(anna)

activeidle_viewswitch_bg_image_to_image_slow.fxml- homescreen sliding effects

activeidle_viewswitch_close_editmode.fxml- long press to exit editmode of the homescreen effects

activeidle_viewswitch_open_editmode.fxml-long press to active editmode of the homescreen effects

app_activate.fxml- open menu effect

app_exit.fxml- exit the program results

app_start.fxml- open the program's performance

app_start_long.fxml- program to open the front to wait for results

app_start_rect.fxml- open the homescreen shortcut app

appshell_exit.fxml- exit the menu effect

confirmationnote_appear.fxml- confirmation box display

confirmationnote_disappear.fxml- confirmation prompt box disappears effect

contextmenu_appear.fxml- display the context menu (for example the power button menu, synchronization wizard box)

contextmenu_disappear.fxml- effect of the context menu disappears

dialer_close.fxml- dialer off effect

dialer_open.fxml- dialer to open results

dialer_list_appear.fxml- dialer interface, contact list display the search results

dialer_list_disappear.fxml- dialer interface, contact list disappear search results

discreet_popup_appear.fxml- left-down slide-out display boxes

discreet_popup_disappear.fxml- left-down slide-out effect of the prompt box disappears

errornote_appear.fxml- error message box display

errornote_disappear.fxml- error box disappears effect

fade_effect.fxml- when open options the background effect (include any pop-up display)

folder_close.fxml- close the folder effect

folder_open.fxml- open the folder effect

informationnote_appear.fxml- message box display (this is not the message boxes)

informationnote_disappear.fxml- message box disappears effect

layoutswitch_appear.fxml- screen rotating display

layoutswitch_disappear.fxml- screen rotation effect disappears

layoutswitch_videos_appear.fxml- video rotating display

layoutswitch_videos_disappear.fxml- video rotation effect disappears

musicplayer_viewswitch_in.fxml open the music player song list effect

musicplayer_viewswitch_out.fxml- exit music player song list effect

optionsmenu_appear.fxml- open the option effect

optionsmenu_disappear.fxml- exit option effect

optionsmenu_cascade_appear.fxml-open the secondly options menu?example inside setting options menu)

optionsmenu_cascade_disappear.fxml- exit secondly option menu effect

phone_callui_appear.fxml- call display

phone_callui_disappear.fxml- call away effect

photos_fullscreen_close.fxml- exit full-screen view photo effects

photos_gridview_to_fullscreen.fxml- Click the picture to full screen view effect

photos_landscape_to_portrait.fxml- horizontal screen image switches to portrait effect

photos_portrait_to_landscape.fxml- vertical screen image switches to landscape effects

popup_appear.fxml- gestures display (long on-screen pop-up menu)

popup_disappear.fxml- gestures effect disappears

systemnotify_appear.fxml- notification display system

systemnotify_disappear.fxml- system notice the effect disappears

taskswapper_app_start_rect.fxml- in the Task Manager to switch to the open procedure effect

taskswapper_appear.fxml- Task Manager display

taskswapper_disappear.fxml- Task Manager disappear effect

toolbar_ext_appear.fxml- toolbar display (for example, writing a message into the accessories that effect)

toolbar_ext_disappear.fxml- toolbar disappears effect

touchinput_close.fxml- off effect of input

touchinput_open.fxml- open the input method results

viewswitch_left.fxml- effects such as setting options inside (where the effect can be understood as open)

viewswitch_left_appear.fxml- which options such as setting display

viewswitch_left_disappear.fxml- options such as setting which effect disappears

viewswitch_right.fxml- effects such as setting options inside (where the effect can be interpreted as exit)

viewswitch_right_appear.fxml- which options such as setting display

viewswitch_right_disappear.fxml- options such as setting which effect disappears

waitnote_appear.fxml- wait for the prompt box display

waitnote_disappear.fxml- wait for the prompt box disappears effect

warningnote_appear.fxml- warning box display

warningnote_disappear.fxml- warning box disappears effect

How to DIY theme effects

Effect one (right to left interchangeable slide)

<? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "ASCII"?>

<Layers xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

    xsi: noNamespaceSchemaLocation = "http://www.nokia.com/FXML">

  <visual src="Item">

    <param name="translation_x" type="anim" ref="screen.width"> <style> outquad </ style> <duration> 0.35 </ duration> <keyframe

          at = "0.0"> 1.0 </ keyframe> <keyframe

          at = "1.0"> 0.0 </ keyframe> </ param>

  </ Visual>

  <visual src="input1" opaque="true">

    <param name="translation_x" type="anim" ref="screen.width"> <style> outquad </ style> <duration> 0.35 </ duration> <keyframe

          at = "0.0"> 0.00 </ keyframe> <keyframe

          at = "1.0"> 1.0 </ keyframe> </ param>

  </ Visual>

</ Layers>

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------

Effect two (interchangeable sliding left to right)

<? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "ASCII"?>

<Layers xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

    xsi: noNamespaceSchemaLocation = "http://www.nokia.com/FXML">

  <visual src="Item">

    <param name="translation_x" type="anim" ref="screen.width"> <style> outquad </ style> <duration> 0.35 </ duration> <keyframe

          at = "0.0"> -1.0 </ keyframe> <keyframe

          at = "1.0"> 0.0 </ keyframe> </ param>

  </ Visual>

  <visual src="input1" opaque="true">

    <param name="translation_x" type="anim" ref="screen.width"> <style> outquad </ style> <duration> 0.35 </ duration> <keyframe

          at = "0.0"> 0.00 </ keyframe> <keyframe

          at = "1.0"> -1.0 </ keyframe> </ param>

  </ Visual>

</ Layers>


Contrast these two effects can be seen that there are two different places

at = "0.0"> 1.0 </ keyframe and at = "0.0"> -1.0 </ keyframe

at = "1.0"> 1.0 </ keyframe and at = "1.0"> -1.0 </ keyframe

If the effect is one of at = "0.0"> 1.0 </ keyframe to at = "0.0"> -1.0 </ keyframe

                    at = "1.0"> 1.0 </ keyframe to at = "1.0"> -1.0 </ keyframe

This can effect a sliding direction from right to left to left to right, into the opposite direction to the effect that


"Translation_x" to "translation_y" will change the direction of

"Translation_x" x said portrait or landscape orientation to the state about the direction of sliding

"Translation_y" y that portrait or landscape mode in the direction of sliding up and down direction

If the "translation_x" to "translation_y", pay attention to see if there "*****. width "phrase exist, there must be change it to "*****. height"

"Translation_x" corresponds "*****. width "(where the ***** that name, a different configuration files have different names, this would not change)

"Translation_y" corresponds "*****. height "


<duration> 0.35 </ duration> 0.35 for the effect of speed, the greater the value the slower the speed, the smaller the faster

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