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  1. Ubuntu Tweak is a tool that lets you configure various aspects of the Ubuntu / Linux Mint desktop: change the GTK / icon theme, Unity settings, LightDM settings, clean up application cache, it comes with an Unity quicklist editor, a PPA source center and more. Ubuntu Tweak 0.7.3 has been released, adding support for Linux Mint 13. The new version also comes with support for Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal, but since Quantal is still in alpha, the application can't be considered stable. [img width=686 height=420] Besides Linux Mint 13 and Ubuntu 12.10 support, the latest Ubuntu Tweak 0.7.3 also adds a new feature: the ability to turn Guest account on/off. And of cou…

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  2. http://forum.dailymobile.net/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=78125.0;attach=211253;image @ all my dearest Gizmolord members..... i want to introduce [glow=red,2,300]my first KDE Theme[/glow] By me.............Named Mac os X space...... this theme Created under [glow=red,2,300]GPL license[/glow]...... this is a splash screen and Login screen theme...... u can use this theme in KDE Plasma and other kde based os like Kubuntu............ [glow=red,2,300]i'll release this theme in Kde and kubuntu community soon[/glow]......... 8) Note:- i don't owe or create icon or wallpaper i give all credits to their creators........ Screenshot:- …

    • 20 replies
  3. http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=5124.0;attach=11699;image That is true that Nokia Doesn't Developed Nokia suite For Linux........ As i know by Experience that Linux is a Ultimate os........ But there is a holy news for linux user as well as Nokia Users...... Today I am Introduced to new native Client of Nokia Pc Suite.... [glow=red,2,300] Nokuntu[/glow] http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=5124.0;attach=11698;image It is Originally Devloped For Debian Based System But u can use this o…

    • 10 replies
  4. Started by pavan061994,

    Youtube is one website which every computer user looks upto when it comes to watching videos online. This website is the most popular one and is sophisticated in a way that it provides you videos with almost every possible title which one can think of. Watching Youtube videos every time on the website itself is a sort of trouble and to which various software developers answered by developing numerous utilities and addons for your operating systems and web browsers, to make watching videos more convenient. Lets not forget the fact that you or me or any other person would always wish to watch videos in a more convenient way and if possible on an entirely new and innov…

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